Thanks to this insane weather, cooties are at an all time high and EVERYBODY is getting sick. My son got a cold, then my daughter, then me and now hubby. Although you lose the luxury of relaxation and sleeping away the germs when you are a parent, there are still a few things you can do for a speedy recovery:
1. Start taking medicine or start natural remedies as soon as you feel symptoms
You can’t take off for the kids AND you being sick, so save those sick days for the kiddos. Also by medicating early you may avoid other symptoms that were on the way.
2. Sleep when and as much as you can
This is the time when a little “TV time” comes in handy. Turn on some educational TV shows or a nice family friendly movie and let your little one(s) indulge as you get some much needed rest. You can have your spouse/partner/friend take the kids to a different room or even out the house for a while, so that you get a chance to sleep.
3. Drink warm liquids (especially with lemon and honey)
Lemon juice is high in vitamin C, and honey has antioxidant properties. They are perfect for for reducing cough and congestion. Combined with a warm beverage, they are the perfect comfort drink. A warm beverage is good to calm your nerves and keep your body warm if you’re having chills.
4. Put your chores and daily task on hold
Although it’s nice to have a clean and well kept house, but your top priority is to get better. The chores can hold off for a day or two while you allow your body to heal. There shouldn’t be too much mess since you will most likely be in bed or stationary on a couch. Most kids will stay close by and not destroy too much of the house. Either way that’s a sacrifice you have to make in order to improve your health.
5. Don’t rush the process
Although it’s hard to be out of commission and not your normal superwoman self, it’s important to take the time to let your body heal. If you rush the process, you’ll just end up sick again. We all know as a mom there is no such thing as a day off, but you can make it a low productivity day. Trust your instincts. You’ll know when you’re ready to go back to your normal supermom self 🙂