It’s hard to make time and manage everything when you have so many things going on in life. As you all know I wear many hats and being the social butterfly that I am, I enjoy attending events as well. I recently had to sit back and take an in depth look about how and where I was spending my time. I found that the majority was spent at work and doing things for/with my kids. I was disappointed when I realized that in my effort to be a great employee and mother, I was neglecting someone very special in my life; hubby.
Hubby has been working a lot of crazy hours lately in order to achieve some future goals that we are working towards, so sometimes I literally only see him in passing. Furthermore, I’m often sleep once he gets home, and not interested in waking up to greet him once he gets home. Although we are both supportive of each other’s efforts, I am starting to realize that we need to make time for one another. Work and our kids are very important but so is our foundation of friendship. So we need to set aside some time for just us two to laugh and enjoy the company of one another.
Our little princess sleeps in our bed and she is a very wild sleeper. It drives hubby crazy and he’ll often just sleep in the basement to avoid being kicked and abused throughout the night. One thing we’ve been doing this week is putting her in her crib once she falls into a deep sleep. I must admit it’s been nice to have a bed with two instead of three people. We’ve been able to cuddle and actually spread out instead of sleeping at the edge of the bed holding on for dear life.
Hubby was able to arrange his schedule to be off on Sundays, so we try to do a weekly family event or activity. We want to also try to make Sunday our date day every other week. We just need to secure some babysitters. We’ve discussed things like catching a movie, grabbing a meal with cocktails, ice skating and sightseeing downtown.
I’m glad we realized the problem before things became too far gone. It’s important to take care of your responsibilities, but it’s important to maintain your foundation as well. We wouldn’t have our home, our daughter and all our bills together, if we never fell in love. We fell in love by dating and becoming friends. He’s my husband but he’s so much more than that and I’m going to make sure I make time for him. XOXO