This week’s Talent Tuesdays goes to MMOTM Majidah.
Owner of Momiswap, creator of the elevated learning binder (available in both English & Spanish), and a part of the The Momference™ planning tribe, and keeper of the prettiest and most well organized refrigerator, this mother of 2 adorable little ones is a Modern Mom tour de force.
I’m probably missing tons of other fabulous and resourceful things that she does, but to sum it up, she is a bomb 🍑 mom and mompreneur!
I met her last year when prepping for the 2019 Modern Mom on the Move Conference and we’ve stayed connected since then. She is going to be my go to resource this summer for keeping Celina engaged and educated. Go check her out and find a way to support one of the many amazing ventures that she is a part of.