Hello Beautiful!
Thank you for your interest in participating as a vendor at this year’s Modern Mom on the Move Conference. Please complete the application below. Once completed, submit the form and upload your logo in jpeg or png form as instructed below.
Upon receipt of both the application and logo, you will receive a confirmation message. Our team will then review your application and if accepted, you will receive our vendor information form and an access code to officially register with submission of your $65.00 (nonrefundable) vendor fee.
Please read all information in the vendor document carefully, you will be able to review important details about the event prior to submitting your vendor fee. Once you have completed the registration and paid your $65 vendor fee, the MMOTM website will be updated to reflect your participation as a vendor at this year’s conference. You will not be given the access code for registration WITHOUT submitting the application for review of your vendor information.
Vendor acceptance is based on availability and the diversity of offerings to our attendees.
Should you have any additional questions, please email, mmotm@yahoo.com
Thank You for Your Interest and We Look Forward to Connecting!
Modern Mom on the Move