I turn 30 in February next year, so I’ve set this goal to lose 30 by 30. I want to travel somewhere tropical, and I’d love it if I was able to FINALLY wear a bikini again or even a cute monokini. I have a slight obsession with swimwear, but I also love to eat lol. I’m definitely serious about my goal, but I don’t think I’ve truly committed yet.
I’ve implemented a few things, but I haven’t seen any results thus far. I’ve tried cutting back on my bread intake. I take the five flights of stairs up to my office, instead of the elevator. I’ve starting drinking green tea and more water per day. I’ve even increased my pickle consumption, since I read that they are a natural fat burner. The problem is that despite these efforts, I haven’t committed to an exercise regimen. It doesn’t help that I had cupcakes at the wedding I attended this past weekend, as well as the birthday party I took my daughter to the weekend before. I also indulged in a slice of apple pie with vanilla ice cream while visiting my Aunt this past weekend.

I really want to meet my goal but I can’t seem to get fully motivated. When I try to exercise my daughter starts crying and begs me to either stop or pick her up. I try to workout while holding her but it makes things twice as hard and since I’m out of shape I don’t have the endurance to get through the entire workout. I think she wants me to stay thickems, so she can continue to jiggle my belly for her entertainment lol. I’ve tried working out in the morning before she wakes up, but I often hit snooze one too many times and then I don’t have enough time. I’ve got thousands of excuses and this is why I’ve seen no results thus far.
I think my only saving grace will either be to buy a super cute bikini for motivation or book the trip so I have something to look forward to. I’ve been thinking about doing a detox first, then fully committing but I’m scared that it will make me feel weird. I need help MMOTM, what has worked for you in your weight loss journeys???